The Girl Who Ate Everything

Blogging about food and whatever since 2004.

eggs, cookies, and oatmeal: delicious?

People have asked me how often I eat out with other people (more than I should), or how often I cook (less than I should). This week has been low on eating out...and that's probably a good thing, for the sake of decreasing the layers of fat that have been developing under my skin lately. When I say "eating out", I mean eating out just for the sake of eating and preparing myself by making sure my stomach is semi-empty beforehand, not when I go out during my lunch break, like I just did an hour ago.

egg + snow pea sammich
egg sammich

So what do I eat when I don't go out for a "good" meal? Um. SAMMICHES! I can cook more than eggs, but my ultimate lazy mean is frying a pseudo-scramed egg and pocketing it in bread. In this case, I mixed in chopped snow peas because they were in my fridge and I had to do something with them. (I bought what I thought was a huge bag for around 80 cents in Chinatown; yeah, this stuff is cheap. Snow peas are one of my favorite vegetables. God knows if I should be eating them raw considering the environment they're sold in, but...they're so tasty, and my digestive system hasn't reacted negatively.) I bought a sourdough baguette from the Union Square Greenmarket on Wednesday, sliced a chunk in half, shoved in the egg patty, and chowed down more quickly than any of you will see since the presence of other humans tends to remind me that I have to chew and come up for air every once in a while.

Claytonia: The Musical

So that was Wednesday's lunch. Yesterday I made not one, but two egg-inside-baguette sandwiches. I don't love these sandwiches to death, nor would I ever feed them to anyone else if I want them to like me, but they're not that bad. For whatever reason, the claytonia sprouts at the Greenmarket enticed me (maybe because their green, fresh, healthfullness didn't resemble anything else in my diet, which is mainly brown, baked, and lacking in heathfullness) so I bought a small bag for $1 and shoved some sprouts in my sandwich. I hope they added some nutrients, as I could probably use those.

After the semi-healthy Greenmarket purchases of a baguette ($2), Jonagold apples (4 for $1.60), sprouts ($1), and a dozen eggs ($2), I went to...

peanut butter cookie peanut butter cookie
peanut butter cookie lump

City Bakery. Dammit. I was on a mission to buy some cookies for a friend studying abroad in China, but I figured I'd get a little something for myself as well. Their peanut butter cookies are only 50 cents each, so I figured I'd make the small investment to try one. The cookie's texture is like halvah, but slightly lighter, which isn't saying much since halvah is a sesame paste brick. Eating this cookie is like eating kind of fluffy peanut butter; make sure you have water on hand. I don't like peanut butter enough to exclaim, "OMG PEANUT BUTTER MADNESS SO DELICIOUS" (when I really like stuff, I ignore the rules of correct grammer), but this was worth eating.

So that was all I was going to get. Seriously. A little peanut butter bite is all Robyn should eat.

ginger cookie
ginger cookie innards

But then my eyes spotted a different cookie that wasn't the chocolate chip, oatmeal, or white chocolate chocolate cookie that I had seen at CB before.

"What kind of cookie is that?"

"It's ginger."

"Ooh, I'll take one. ...Uh, I mean two! Yeah."

...One for my friend and one for me, of course. I wouldn't get TWO for myself. Sheesh.

So this cookie? Oh my god, it's awesome. This is a cookie I would dream about. There isn't actually any solid ginger, but rather ginger flavor (not too subtle or strong) is incorporated all throughout the flat, golden disc. As you can see, underneath the cracked, crispy surface is a lighter, chewy center. [shoves your face into the cookie] SEE THE CHEWINESS? THE DELICIOUSNESS? BUTTER? FAT? SUGAR? YEAH. Okay. I didn't mean to hurt you there, but I just felt the urge to do that. [backs off]

On Wednesday evening I got a call from Carol saying she was in the area (as in below 14th street and not way uptown by Barnard like she usually is) and that we should meet up. Carol is one of my oldest and best friends who I sadly don't see as often as I should, especially considering that we live in the same city. ...Yeah, I'm really lazy. The last time I saw her was when I arranged a get together at City Bakery (yes, we like it a lot...for cookies). I was too full to eat real food, but I wanted to hang out anywhere besides my room because my roommate was home and...well, that ain't fun.

Fresh Salt
Fresh Salt

Fresh Salt is on the quiet, uber-clean Beekman Street, a stone's throw away from my dorm...if you can throw a stone really freakin' far. So it's either a superhuman stone's throw or a very short stroll along the cobbly South Street Seaport promenade from my dorm. After having it recommended to me by multiple Watermans, I figured it'd be a good place to hang out and eat something that isn't necessarily a meal. It's a bar, but they have a small and varied menu for those of us who

table granola, yogurt, strawberries, and raisins
the sky wasn't actually blindingly cyan / granola, yogurt, and fruit

For $5 I got a ginormous bowl of plain yogurt and granola topped with raisins and sliced strawberries. As I said before, I wasn't really hungry, so don't ask me why this popped out at me from the menu. Maybe my body craved fermented dairy products. I carried my hefty granola-icious bowl back to our corner both

yogurt and granola
yogurt and granola

Mmm...tastes like healthy. Or not like butter-filled chewy cookie death. I liked the combination of thick creamy yogurt (not the thin, liquidy stuff) and the crispy granola, but this bowl was missing one crucial ingredient: SUGAR. At the time I thought it tasted cool and light, unlike most things that I eat (mmm...cookiesss), but after I had polished off most of it (I wasn't thinking about what I was eating as much as what I was talking to Carol about; eating + talking = danger) I thought, "Wait, I want...a bucket of honey." I love plain yogurt, as long as I can dump on spoonfuls of honey, or perhaps just open the jar and let it loose. Maybe they had honey somewhere, but I didn't think of asking. Good yogurt, good granola, but it needs more glucose.


Thanks again for all your comments to the last entry. I suppose it's a reflection of the varied reader population, but you guys really know how to give mixed messages. ;) I think I've gotten just about every good, thoughtful piece of advice ranging from "Go," to "Don't go," to "Go with someone else," to "You should go now," to "You should wait a while, to "You should listen to your mum," to "Um, maybe you shouldn't listen to your mum." My new plan is to go to London for a week or less and then go to Oslo, and, I dunno. I suck at planning. The first time I went to London my friend and I literally stepped out of Paddington station, looked both ways down the street and thought, "...Crap, now what do we do?" We walk around until we found a store that sold maps, and then used my map book to guide us...and by "guide" I mean "help us roam around aimlessly". Fun, but not the best idea in the world.


eunice / April 14, 2006 4:30 PM

Hi Robyn, if you ever turn up in Germany, especially southern Germany where I'm lurking right now, I will be happy to show you around and treat you to all the German sugary, carby, baked goods!

Keri / April 14, 2006 4:42 PM

Hello! Just found your blog...and am so intrigued! Love listening to your rants, raves, and food commentary! :) Keep it up girl!

Marianne / April 14, 2006 5:09 PM


I know the commenting is closed on your prior post, but I did want to throw out an offer. If you ever want to hear about the experiences of someone older (but decidedly not wiser) on very similar topics, do drop me a line. I've done some certifiably insane things and turned out just fine. I think. Maybe?

ed / April 14, 2006 5:59 PM

well...i'm more of a drinker than an eater, and a picture of the bar/cafe just made your site 10 times cooler :D

i love baguettes, mainly because you can put so many things in them, and they're not limited to meats and cheese. you can put it curry, or soup or some other really awesome filling. it's great!

chochotte / April 14, 2006 7:11 PM

What you MUST do next time you arrive in London is to get the tube to Shoreditch (check the trains are running though cos sometimes at weekends and after peak times they are funny and you'll have to catch a bus instead) and go and eat eat eat...Brick Lane's curry houses, the Beigel Bakery (oldest one in London and super-traditional, you have to try the salt beef) plus there are tons of other wonderful cafes and restaurants, 1001 does incredible cheesecake and many other good things too (they often have a great BBQ outside in summer) - it's also one of the coolest, most individual and interesting parts of London.
Also: Borough Market, on a Friday or Saturday. I could go on but perhaps you have plenty of ideas already and I will get over-excited and start to ramble!

1614 / April 14, 2006 8:54 PM

your blog is awesome -- especially the pics. i have eaten everywhere you have and now feel that i must make the following recommendations to you because i can't listen to you go on and on about city bakery cookies because once you taste the following you will NOT be eating cookies at city bakery anymore (trust me, i live four blocks from city bakery and thought they were the greatest for about six years until i had......1) peanut butter cookie at bouley bakery (w. broadway and duane street)...they only come out in the afternoon. they are WORTH the trip down and have been written up in more than a few blogs. this one is tied for greatest cookie on earth along with ANY of the more than fifty kinds of chocolate chip cookies at ruby et violet ( the strawberry champagne, violet, rose, cherry, oatmeal, pistachio...OMG, EVERY single one of these chocolte chip cookies is TOTALLY out of control. they are cripsed on the edges, soft in the middle...ethereal and amazing. you must go. i cannot sit around and read about you waxing poetic about such mundane cookies. (p.s. you should try the death by chocolate cookie at jacques torres, too. also quite good but get the other two first)

roboppy / April 15, 2006 12:20 AM

Eunice: Oo, I'd love to check out Germany sometime! BAKERIES! Yeah. And. Chocs. But bakeries are more my thing.

Keri: Thanks for reading!

Marianne: Thanks for offering to share your experiences. I don't mind hearing about them, but my mum is quite pissed at me so it's probably best I juts put this stuff behind me right now. I tried to talk to her, but we didn't get anywhere. (sigh) Oh well. She doesn't care if things turned out fine for other people since I would certainly...die.

Ed: I prefer to eat baguettes plain actually, hehe. Or with oil. Yeah. Or butter. But a good plain baguette is the best.

chochotte: Thanks for the suggestions! Shoreditch sounds lovely. ;) So it's a food mecca? Cos...that's awesome. I wanna go. And one of my friends offered to take me to Borough Market so yeah, that's definitely on my list.

1614: Maybe I should keep a tally of what cookies I've eaten...I tried Ruby et Violette before and while I thought it was good (how could I not like a cookie?), I wasn't...blown away by it at all. :( Maybe I needed more cookies? Like an array of em?

I've tried every cookie at Jacques Torres, hehe; they're definitely good, but hard for me to eat. The chocolate-to-cookie ratio kinda kills me. I'd say they're one of my favorite cookies, although the last time I tried the chocolate chip I was over-chocolated. Of course, if your preference is to have LOADS of chocolate, then that's the cookie for you.

I'll keep Bouley Bakery in mind. I've tried a few of their things, but not cookies (mainly bready things).

carol / April 15, 2006 1:28 AM

o those pictures turned out quite well didn't they ;)

have to have to HAVE TO take you to Cafe Fresh in the upper west side

OH OH OH ...AND PRINT UR WEBSITE ON UR T-SHIRTS NEXT TIME!! diane said that today when she wore the shirt she got TONS of ppl complimenting and asking about it . . . so yeah!!!

cheryl / April 15, 2006 5:33 AM

come to singapore man! we're like a foodie's wet dream. every type of food you could possibly think of. cheap and good! hahahaha... that's what counts right?

love your food blog. so if you do decide to come pay our sunny isle a visit, i'll be glad to show you the best places to stuff your face at.

Deb / April 15, 2006 10:16 AM

Hey Robs,

Lovely photos. It's still Passover, so I'm still on Matzoh. Maybe I'll make a matzoh brei for lunch and take photos like yours of the innards. :)

About London, if you like museums, there's plenty of them. If you like fancy bath stuff, you must check out the original Lush store.

Definitely head to Neil's Yard to experience the lovely cheeses.

Try to get out of the city to the coast, if you can. It's very redeeming.

Summer is an excellent time to visit the south of Germany--very beautiful. There, you can take a ferry to Switzerland and experience Basel, which it seems like you'd love.

The best hot chocolate I ever had was in downtown Heidelberg. The bridges are such a nice place to stop for a moment (perhaps with a sandwich), and enjoy the scenery.

Oh, and there's nothing like Black Forest ham. So sublime.

OK, enough travel tips.

Now for just a tiny bit of life advice based on personal experience. There's something we older folks call a "time of life thing." Like the time I shaved my head in college. It was a time of life thing. Driving cross country at 25 with two guys named Darren--again, a time of life thing.

I lived it up quite a bit in my 20s, with very few regrets. Now, nearing the end of my 30s, my excitements are very much in perspective with the rest of my relatively quiet existence (my choice, entirely). However, I still love to travel and change plans at the drop of a hat.

I guess what I'm saying is that while the world is quite a different place in terms of safety today, if I hadn't done all those nutty things and traveled to a wide variety of places, I probably wouldn't have met the extraordinary people I met along the way. And, I probably wouldn't have the open mind I'm blessed with today.

OK enough. I hope you take loads of photos and live it up as much as you normally do.

Your Pal,

chochotte / April 15, 2006 3:15 PM

Hmm not sure if Shoreditch is particularly a foodie mecca - but London's foodie scene does revolve much more around making sure things are organic, additive free, etc. and around dinner at 'proper' restaurants (where you'd be spending about $70 a head, without wine, to get the full experience) than your fooding style seems suited to. Shoreditch is good for street food, casual food, and really, the curries are so famous! It's more a mecca for art, design and fashion students/other incredibly trendy types: the food is a bonus. Notting Hill has lovely cafes and you ought to go for afternoon tea somewhere, but again the full experience will cost about $40 per person. The Lanesborough's been recognised as the best tea venue in London. To try traditional British food, the best gastropub in London is supposed to be the Anchor & Hope, near Waterloo Station, and I haven't tried all of them, but it's really very good, and incredibly good value (for London, that is) - about $35 will get you all you could wish for, unless they've put up their prices due to their increasing fame.

roboppy / April 15, 2006 5:30 PM

Carol: Oohh noo, I wouldn't wanna put my website on my shirt...because then that would make the wearer like a traveling billboard. :O Well. Yeah. Honestly, I wouldn't buy a shirt from a website if it said "" on it. Maybe it's better that less people know about, hehe. Then your shirt is more special! Wee! That's so cool to hear about the compliments though.

Bea: Cookies are the most delicious! Mmm.

Cheryl: I would love to go to Singapore! Cheap and good is a good description of food in Asia, eh? WHY AREN'T ASIANS FATTER? MRRH! I'm thinking that the heat makes people sweat it off. ;)

Deb: I've never had matzoh brie, but I kinda...wanna try it. Just cos. I doubt I'd love it, but I like egg, and I kinda like matzoh!

Thanks for the London suggestions. Yes, sooo many museums...FREE ONES! Which is cool. I think I went to three museums when I went before, but I missed out on a lot.

Damn, I've never even heard of Basel. (looks it up) ...Damn, my geography's bad. On a random note, when I was in high school I actually wanted to go to a school in Switzerland, although I don't remember why.

Hot chocolate in Heidelberg? Okay, I wanna go there.

I think I like to travel, but I don't have much experience with it outside of family trips. I went on a gajillion vacations when I was younger...with my family. Never really went on trips with friends, besides that time I went to England and stayed with a friend. However, that was of course under the protection of her parents, or else I wouldn't have been allowed to go.

I know there must be so many interesting experiences out there for me, but going out at this age has been deemed unsafe for me, although I figure they'll be unsafe at any point in my life. For now...I'm supposed to stay at home. (sigh)

chochotte: $70 a head? Egad...I've never spent that much on a meal before. :( I'm not sure when I'll feel comfortable doing that. I would like to take out a friend to dinner for a graduation present, and in that case it'd probably be $70+ a head...but that's a special occasion.

STREET FOOD! Yeah, that's more like me. Can't say I'm much into trendy things, but...currryyy...sounds good. I would definitely go for afternoon tea! AND SCONES! And I need to try pub food since I didn't get to do that last time. Thanks for the recommendations!

Something random from the archives