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August 2015 Archives

August 18, 2015

My 80-something favorite places to eat in New York City

Check out the full Google map here! Red = restaurants, food trucks. Blue = bakeries, ice cream, desserts. Green = shops, markets, food halls.

UPDATE (February 6, 2016): I added six more places to this list: Mimi's Hummus, Court Square Diner, Sundaes and Cones, Nom Wah, Golden Steamer, and Cannelle Patisserie. I haven't made any other updates in regards to venues that have moved or closed or received downgraded reviews in the New York Times. The information in this post is only good up to August 2015. END UPDATE

Whenever people ask me for food recommendations in New York City, I think, "Arrrggghhfffwwgguh I wish I had a post that listed all my favorite places, but that would take a bajillion hours to write and I am too lazy, so I guess I'll just inefficiently repeat the same information to people for the rest of my life until I die."

UNTIL NOW. Right beyond these metaphorical doors.

[Attempts to dramatically open a set of French doors to unveil the post beyond, but the doors are kind of stuck and wobble open most gracelessly, revealing a small pile of dirt-dusted poop nubs supporting a neon green plastic clothespin. You know, much like this.]


My choices in this post do not necessarily represent the best of NYC. Many of my favorite restaurants and other food destinations are steeped in nostalgia or picked due to close proximity to work/friends/home. Sometimes I don't have any particularly strong reason for picking something as my favorite. None of these places are new. At some point I became less interested in trying new things, preferring to stick with what I already knew I liked. I mean, it's not like food can get any better, so why bother, amirite? Just kidding, I'm probably missing out on a bajillion awesome brain-altering delicious things because I am lazy and am rapidly approaching "get off my lawn" age.

Here's my full list of favorites minus the dumb words and photos. For dumb words and photos, keep reading!

  • Pizza: Totonno's, Motorino, Paulie Gee's, Best Pizza, Prince St. Pizza, Pizza Suprema
  • Burgers: Shake Shack, The Breslin, Diner
  • Pastrami: Katz's
  • Fried Chicken: Pies 'n Thighs, Bobwhite
  • Falafel: Taim, King of Falafel & Shwarma
  • Hummus: Mimi's Hummus
  • Pasta: Otto, Rubirosa
  • Pupusas: El Olomega Cart
  • Meat Tornado: BZ Grill
  • Georgian Food Coma Time: Pirosmani
  • Uzbek and Uighur: Kashkar Cafe
  • Tuna Melt: Classic Coffee Shop, Eisenberg's
  • Cute Diners: Cup & Saucer, Square Diner, Court Square Diner
  • Tacos and Cemitas: El Tenampa
  • Breakfast/Brunch: Shopsins
  • Sandwich: Tiny's Giant Sandwich Shop, Alidoro, Ba Xuyen, David's Brisket House
  • Greek: Telly's Taverna
  • Union Square: Taboonette
  • Japanese: Cocoron, Chuko, Cha-An, Curry-Ya, Go Go Curry, Ootoya
  • Bread: Orwasher's, Sullivan Street Bakery, Grandaisy
  • Arepas: Arepa Lady, Caracas Arepas
  • Ribs: BrisketTown (Pork), Fu Run (Lamb)
  • Chinese Noodles: Xi'an Famous Foods
  • Go-To Chinatown Chinese: Shanghai Cafe Deluxe
  • Dim Sum: 88 Palace, East Harbor Seafood Palace, Nom Wah
  • Chinese Sponge Cakes: Kam Hing Coffeeshop
  • Chinese Steamed Buns: Golden Steamer
  • Bubble Tea: Teado
  • Polish: Lomzynianka
  • Late Night Williamsburg: The Brooklyn Star
  • Special Occassion: Del Posto, Blue Hill at Stone Barns, Momofuku Ssam Bar, Per Se
  • Ice Cream: Eddie's Sweet Shop, Sundaes and Cones, Ample Hills, OddFellows
  • Soft Serve: Big Gay Ice Cream, Dessert Club Chikalicious, Ray's Candy Store, Rita's, Ice Cream Trucks
  • Gelato: A.B. Biagi, L'Arte del Gelato, Otto
  • American Bakeries: Sugar Sweet Sunshine, Robicelli's, Two Little Red Hens, Levain Bakery, The City Bakery
  • French Bakeries: Dominique Ansel, Cannelle Patisserie
  • Doughnuts: Shaikh's Place / Donut Shoppe, Peter Pan Bakery, Donut Pub, Doughnut Plant

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