Entries tagged with 'Morten'
(Max. of 100 results)
- Sep 11, 2011: Bergen, Day 6: Norwegian Food Explosion at Bryggen Tracteursted
- May 18, 2011: Bergen, Day 2: Puppy, Pizza, and Waffles
- Nov 22, 2010: Weegie Week, Day 7: Dinner Party (and Poofies)
- Nov 19, 2010: Morten's Per Se Experience
- Nov 16, 2010: Weegie Week, Day 6: DBGB
- Nov 10, 2010: Weegie Week, Day 5: A Night at Per Se
- Oct 30, 2010: Weegie Week, Day 4: Hot Pot at Bamboo Pavilion in Bensonhurst
- Oct 26, 2010: Weegie Week, Day 2 and 3: Diner, Shake Shack, and Pho Grand
- Oct 11, 2010: Weegie Week, Day 1: Dim Sum and Shaved Ice in Flushing, Momofuku Pork Buns, and Otto
- Oct 5, 2010: Pre-Weegie Week: Seoul Garden, Paulie Gee's, Taim, and L'Arte del Gelato
- Sep 3, 2008: When You Turn 23, You Get Rickrolled and A Giant Manatee
- Nov 5, 2007: Bologna: Day 15 (Gelato + Torpedo Penguin)
- Nov 1, 2007: Florence: Day 14, Part 2 (Gelato, Gelato and Steak)
- Oct 31, 2007: Florence: Day 14, Part 1 (More Climbing! Sweet!)
- Oct 27, 2007: Bologna: Day 13 (So Many Steps...Why?)
- Oct 24, 2007: Bologna: Day 12 (I Cannot Make Dough)
- Oct 21, 2007: Bologna: Day 11 (Failed Pizza, Successful Alcohol)
- Oct 19, 2007: Parma: Day 10 (Mosquito Attack)
- Oct 14, 2007: Bologna: Day 9 (Crescetina, FTW)
- Oct 11, 2007: Milan: Day 7 (Robynzilla)
- Oct 7, 2007: Milan: Day 6 (The Birthday Party)
- Sep 30, 2007: Bologna: Day 3 (Sweat-laden Tower Climbing)
- Sep 15, 2006: Chez Janou and Poujauran piggery